Picking Hands to Bluffraise on the Flop

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Picking Hands to Bluffraise on the Flop

It is pretty easy to know which type of hands to raise on the flop.  To pick the best hands at the proper frequency however is a little more tricky.  It doesn't seem to be all about raising your best folding hands that have equity.  I also see good players raising draws they could call the flop with as well.


There is a list of things to consider besides equity:

- If I raise certain hands as a bluff, some turn cards may leave my calling range vulnerable.

- At the same time, but a smaller effect, raising range should be balanced to where your value + bluff raising range isn't vulnerable on most turn cards.

- I'm raising as a bluff more than 50% of the time, so it would be good to have some bluff raising hands that can defend vs a reraise.

- Raising bluff with equity is equal to less of a bluff.  For example if you raise 10 hands with 20% equity, it would count more like 8 bluffs.


For example, on a flop of 974 rainbow, you defend the bb vs a co open.  The following work as bluff hands:

KJs, KTs, QJs, QTs, JTs, JTo, J8s, 86s, 65s.  How would you guys rank these?  Some of these hands definitely work as a call as well.

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