planning on buying a solver

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planning on buying a solver

Hy, I'm planning on buying a solver but I'm not sure it can run on my mac. I've read that you need a pretty strong computer to do it so I assume I would need to replace my macbook. I still want to make sure because I previously saw Peter Clarke using it on a mac in one of his videos, here's a link: (10:30, he is using an app that can run windows on mac os). I think he's probably just using some stronger desktop mac, but I would still like to know if it can maybe work on a macbook pro if anyone had tried it before.

If I need to buy a new computer, what specs are required and approximately how much does a computer like that cost?

I've also found a tool on the internet called poker scientist, it's basically a browser based GTO solver, you can check out how it works on their website, here's a link: and a video example:
Could this be a good alternative to solvers like PIO/GTO+?


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