Thin value raise - thoughts on line?

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Thin value raise - thoughts on line?

Have around 1k hands on v who plays a pretty active style postflop although quite tight 3bet range. His stats are 23/18/5% 3bet with 67% cbet%.

We have some history and he's seen me raise dry backdoor flush draws and barrel off light a couple of times.

I figure his range is very wide pre to ISO the fish that limps but don't love 3betting AJo so decide to call and play a 3way pot.

I certainly wouldn't raise flop as standard but given that my value range is so small when raising the flop I know villain is capable of calling off flop raise and turn shove with weaker jacks and pocket pairs 77-TT if the turn bricks off so thought I'd go for thinner value and raise.

Given that the fish is still in the pot to act and is quite stationy do people think just calling has more merit than raising? Also, given how wide villians c-bet range is otf, his air heavy range means he'll just fold a lot on the flop and we lose value from a strong top pair hand.

As said, I do think V is capable of calling flop raise and turn shove light given our history and my perceived flop value raising range but I'm wandering if the other factors make calling a better line in this instance?

Here's a link to the hand:

Any thoughts appreciated


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