Verdict on GS+BDFD Flop Calls?

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Verdict on GS+BDFD Flop Calls?

This spot comes up an obscene amount for me, I think IP its slightly easier because you can raise flop and possibly see a free river, but OOP this would generally not work. Also considering that villain might not barrel the turn it can be a decent float spot (if he opens utg and you call with 78s and the flop is 567 with a spade or something)

Yesterday I had A2ss on 45K with a spade and peeled the turn and hit my gutshot and got a lot of value.

I guess the real spot I'm wondering about is like AThh in the SB to a UTG open and the board is KJ9 with a heart. When faced with a 1/2-3/4 cbet, and an opponent who is going to barrel all three streets, how can we determine if this is a profitable call. Should we only be doing this with the assumption that we have to bluff of we brick? Or is it cool to just fold the turn when the BDFD doesn't come in?

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