What do you guys think about Pluribus' (6max bot) style?

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What do you guys think about Pluribus' (6max bot) style?

The 6max bot Pluribus beat a group of professional players in a recent match. The hand histories are hard to navigate through, but some people were kind enough to paste interesting ones in the 2+2 thread ( https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/first-ai-beat-multiplayer-poker-game-vs-top-pros-like-chris-furgeson-darren-elias-1747396/ ).

Since solvers have been around for a while (and therefore we can already check unexploitable strategies for HU) the most interesting aspect of a match like this to me is how an AI approaches multiway spots. And it's surprising, because based on the hands it seems to be wildly aggressive. E.g. opens CO w/ K7dd, BTN calls, BB calls. Flop is 854r, bot cbets 2.3x pot. Is there an assumption BB should be leading most of his strong range? My thinking was overbets are not used multiway, because a single players pot share rarely allows him to.

Another example - 4way flop, bot shoves over cbet w/ 65dd on T42dd, SPR 10. I can sort of understand this one, but it's still interesting to think this is the highest EV line according to the bot.

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