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which hands would u bluff R with?

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which hands would u bluff R with?


which hand woudl u bluf with? which better hands u would think that u can make avg reg to fold OTR?
imo most likely his range 99 / JJ so i can be trying to make 99 fold but not JJ so should block J but not 99, so mb AJ KJ bluff?

20% MP RFI , f3b 57% fold to cbets in 3bp 30/38/30 <--- didnt see this stat ingame, sample is 61kh, sux looks like he is stationy in 3bp or have narrow strong range..
ingame i just looked at WTSD 28 which looked low to me, but this looks very no-foldish spot since cant see any misses especially when i block most of them which is why i think my bluff is terrible puke-yish, rip 74eur

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