10K Hands at 1/2 and 2/5 ZOOM
Posted by sted9000
Posted by sted9000 posted in Mid Stakes
10K Hands at 1/2 and 2/5 ZOOM
Just finished a little experiment of playing 10k hands of 1/2 ZOOM PLO and then the same of 2/5. I wanted to see the differences in the games.
My results (pretty meaningless): 1/2, 2/5, 1/2, 2/5
Thoughts on the games:
Player Pool- I found the level of the recreational players to be pretty similar, but the play of the regulars was miles apart. Some very good regs in the 2/5 pool (Skervoy, Gregy, Jimmyhat) and other HS regs that drop down to take my money. The number of recreational players in the 1/2 pool seems to be a bit higher than in the 2/5 pool.
Difference in reg play-
1) A lot of regs at 1/2 are WAY over-folding in the blinds and to flop cbets, which is basically free money when you notice it. I don't know if this is because they want to get to the +EV spot of next hand or simply a flaw in their game.
2) Balance. It seems like more profitable plays come up at 1/2 due to the fact that opponents are often not balanced. Examples: some "never" x-r turn oop vs missed flop cbet, some "never" continue in multiway pot after missing a cbet, and some "never" 4b w/o AAxx. Things like these are the biggest difference I noticed in the games.3) More of a Game Theory approach at 2/5. I noticed this mainly in spots where opponents have "some showdown value", but are near the bottom or there range; more 2/5 regs recognize this as a bluff spot, where 1/2 regs often miss it. Also more 2/5 regs aren't afraid to fire when at the bottom of range because of emotional/psychological reasons. Conclusions:- I wouldn't be surprised at all if someone could program a relatively simple bot to beat 1/2 ZOOM, due to over-folding, over-cbetting, and "straightforwardness".- You are not going to win by using an overarching strategy (ie steal a lot and cbet a lot) at 2/5 while you probably can at 1/2. Winning at 2/5 will require "real poker" based more on opponent specifics/adjustments and less on exploiting the pool as a whole.- ZOOM is fun. I think I learned a lot playing with some really good players in the 2/5 games.Interested to hear any thoughts/comments/questions on my stats and/or my thoughts.Thanks
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