6-max: 5-bet pot preflop, 172bb deep

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6-max: 5-bet pot preflop, 172bb deep

HJ: 30.85
CO: 162.85
BN: 191.54
SB: 100
BB: 172.86 (Hero)
UTG: 30.06
Preflop (1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt J Q T K
UTG folds, HJ raises to 3.30, CO raises to 11.40, BN folds, SB folds, Hero calls 10.40, HJ raises to 30.85, CO raises to 91

This might be super simple, but i'm still learning the game so I thought i'd ask. I don't have much in terms of reads on the CO, except that he's a reg and seems to be somewhat taggish. I don't use a hud, so i don't have any numbers to offer.

When action gets to me the first time I flat, although i'm aware that the 3bet reopens the action to the HJ, who is likely to shove. In that scenario i'm always flatting if the CO calls, but when he repots to 91 I'm not sure what the correct decision is.

I plugged in some hands into an equity calculator and w/ HJ's hand plugged in, 3 ways, my hand is just less than 30% against the raggiest aces, approx 25% against the raggiest kings. I dominate some of the run downs he might be trying to iso the HJ with, although any A-high broadway type hands have me completely crushed (around 12%). I expect this to be a smaller part of his range since he knows i'm still to act and we're both so deep. That being said, when i call my range looks pretty weak and he may reasonably assume i'm going to fold a lot in this spot when he repots.

How does the HJ's stack size affect my decision to continue? Also, thoughts on this spot if i'm 100bb deep instead of 172?

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