effective deep stacks(150bb+) What range of hands would be open fold from button to a blind 3b of 10%+ and which ones to fold to a 3b 6%

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effective deep stacks(150bb+) What range of hands would be open fold from button to a blind 3b of 10%+ and which ones to fold to a 3b 6%

How to build a button range vs an aggressive 3btor on the blinds, Would you limp the hands that would be dominated to his 3bet? or just fold?
Vs a tighter opponent, which hands would open fold despite the fact of being deep and IP.
I guess some will have to do with villain tendencies postflop and how likely are we to take the pot away when we miss. But i'm having some trouble when I open the button with my weak hands and get 3b by aggressive opponent, equitywise i should fold many of them, but then i give him leeway to punish my opens. In a 6max table, it'd be ok to just open tighter from the button and 4b more the aggressive maniacs with our good highcard hands(especially the ones that contain a and k in it with at least a nutsuit). But in a pure HU match how can we adjust besides limping more on the button? which hands would open call and open fold in that case??

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