General Discussion about stacking off with AA in 4bet pots

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General Discussion about stacking off with AA in 4bet pots

So I noticed that I lose a lot of money with very little equity in 4bet pots lately. The scenario is usually that I 4bet AA, often times bad AA, but what can we do preflop anyway?

I realize that flops, such as QKT, QJT, etc are very bad and should be check-folded or slow played in order to protect our range. However, what's the general rule for 4bet pots on somewhat bad board textures, such as J86 for example. Clearly, we are never favorite on them but there is so much money in the middle already and we stack off with 100bb deep. How do we handle those situations with 120bb+ stacks?

Are we actually meant to not 4bet weak AA 150+ bb deep?

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