HUPLO 400, facing turn x/r, exploitative fold #1?

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HUPLO 400, facing turn x/r, exploitative fold #1?

BB: Player1: $988
SB: Hero: $400
Villain is a PLO 400 reg. I have played him for 700 hands in the past, and he had somewhat aggro stats. I have him tagged as a bad player, but can't quite remember why (yes I know, great note-taking!). His OOP VPIP is 90%.

This said he has been playing this particular session in loose-passive style. He has made some very questionable oop flop calls of a c-bet. He has shown the goods in the only two hands where he has shown aggression so far.

My image is slightly aggro. I am down one buy-in, so my opponent is probably expecting me to be more aggro than usual.
Preflop ($6.00) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt 7 J 9 6
Hero raises to $10, Player1 calls $8
Flop ($24.00) 8 9 6 (2 Players)
Player1 checks, Hero bets $16, Player1 calls $16
Turn ($56.00) 5 (2 Players)
Player1 checks, Hero bets $39.96, Player1 raises to $141.52, Hero calls $101.56
This is where things start to go wrong. I have seen him play a second-nut straight passively early in the session. which might be relevant here.

A good reg would have a balanced x/r range here, including stuff like JT, QT9, QTT or maybe two small pairs turned into a bluff... But given that my opponent has been straightforward and passive so far, I believe his range is very nutty here.

I can't find a fold though, given that:
I am near the top of my range / I have a 7 blocker / a 9-6-T can win / he might check a club River giving me a choice to take a free SD or bluff.

Thoughts on my opponent's range? Standard call I assume?
River ($339.04) 3 (2 Players)
Player1 bets $280.98
Now what? I have 230$ left, I need 29% equity. Calling seems standard but given his style I just think he has T7 a lot...

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