Need help improving my button game - statistical approach- playing button versus utg open

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Need help improving my button game - statistical approach- playing button versus utg open

Hey everyone,
recently after looking into my positional win rates I noticed something was significantly wrong with my button play; my button winrate in bb/100 is only about 9 over 220.000 hands played this year (mostly at 25 and 50 plo). This is way too low, and lower then my winrates from CO HI and UTG (respectively 18, 18 and 14 bb/100). After some filtering in HEM I found that a significant leak in my game has to be when facing specifically UTG single open or UTG open plus callers. In either of those situations I lose almost 50bb/100 when the absolute minimum should be break even since I can choose to simply fold all my hands in that situation and incur no losses at all. My stats when facing a singe UTG open with no callers are: 22% vpip - 8% 3bet - WTSD% 33.8 - W$SD% 40.7 - Agg 1.94 - Agg% 33.
So my question for you guys is, what is your winrate in this situation, how do your stats differ from mine and what do you think I'm doing wrong? Personally reflecting on these stats I feel I'm probably calling to widely with weak connectors and weak suited hands, and I'm probably 3betting way too lightly considering my 8% 3bet vs extremely tight utg opening ranges. All of this then leads to me having too weak hands resulting in only 40 W$SD%. Anyways, let me know your thoughts and stats.

For those who dont know how to get to this stat: go to more filters in HEM and under "basic filters" choose "position and action" then choose "hero position button" and "preflop action facing hero 1raiser" and "raiser position early" and you should have filtered for the situation I am describing.

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