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Post | Lilmessi posted in MTT: Mentality Change


Warning - A slightly longer post than the Usual Ones

I am a part time poker player and have been playing low buying tourneys 2.2 USD - 11 $ USD on stars for a while now . On analysing my statistics a sample of over 800 tournaments I found out that I have an ITM percent of around 25-26 percent which is higher than average. However when it comes to profitability I am not where I would like myself to be ,above break even but a not a good enough ROI . This I think largely boils down my mentality , when (and not if generally) I reach the later stages of a tourney ( ITM ) positions I start viewing each tourney in isolation . I play volumes and grind multiple tournaments each day however when I reach ITM , just this thought that I have spent 3-4 hrs(average) it would be a shame if I don't ladder up a little as a result I play too tight and miss out on good spots. My question here is fundamentally how do I change this mindset that I have ?

July 3, 2017 | 5:36 p.m.

Typical example of a situation where having some sort of a read on player ranges is absence of any data i would prefer flatting here and seeing the flop in position .

June 22, 2017 | 6:07 a.m.

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