Mid/Low Stakes MTTs Strategy

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Mid/Low Stakes MTTs Strategy

I have a few ideas about MTTs that I wanted to hear from those who already have experience on grinding tourneys at mid/low stakes.
I started playing poker online by playing MTTs. I had some good results but ended up busting almost everything because of poor BR management. Then I switched to cash games so I could build it again and have a comfortable roll to play the low stakes. I'm almost getting where I wanted so I'm going to start studying MTTs again. I wanna ask some questions...first of all, I had the impression (even though I didn't put any meaningful volume) that a strategy based on [pre-flop aggression + ok aggressive post flop play (ok = without making huge mistakes and c-betting a lot) + "ability to win flips"] should be enough for you to have good results, because people fold too much pre and post flop. Is that true at all? How important is the pre-flop aggression (steal, re-steal, 3b and 4b light) for a successful MTT player? Is this more important than being very good post-flop? All the good results I had occurred when I was able to get a big stack in the middle stage (through a big pot won in an all in confrontation) and then managed to keep it by pre-flop aggression and a not so bad post-flop play. Is this the standard and more common way to go deep in a tournament? One thing that I noticed occurred a lot was that when I was unable to get a big stack or at least 30+ bbs until the middle stage I would get there with a 20- bbs stack and then ended up busting trying at all costs to double up. This is caused by a poor strategy in the early stages or I actually should expect to bust like this several times? Sometimes I asked myself if I shouldn't play much more aggressive in the early stages, trying to build a big stack until the bubble, when I could use it to find my way to the FT, but that goes against the common strategy of playing tighter on these stages...the times I do get a big stack compensate the times I don't get it by playing tight early? Sorry for the long post but I need to get some misconceptions out of my head...Thanks in advance

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