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3bet from SB

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3bet from SB

-10/20 NLHE-
Table was limping a lot.
CO is a station with a very high VPIP,
Called flop and turn but folded river high percentage of the time

MP-limps 20BB EFF.
HJ-limps- 30 BB EFF.
CO-raise 3.5 BB 115bb EFF.
SB-K4s- 3bets 11.5 BB 100 BB EFF.
-limpers call and villain calls
-Flop 6c5h7s-
Hero bets 1/3 pot
MP-all in for remaining stack (8.5 BB)
Hero calls
-turn 9s-
Hero checks
Co- bets 20 BB
Hero calls
-river Qh-
Hero checks
Villain checks behind shows Q8o
HJ-shows pocket JJ

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