A poker question for you

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A poker question for you

Hello. Just joined this site, and I'm definitely liking it. Thought I'd become involved and post a poker question. The other day I was playing live cash $1/$2 NLHE at a local casino. To make a long story short, it came down to me and 1 other opponent at a 9 handed table. It was the river, and it was my turn. I was thinking in my head of what amount I should bet, and looking at my chips while doing so. It was quiet at the table, and all of a sudden the guy who I was heads up against says, "You might as well just go all in if you're gonna make a bet." Now at this point, I wasn't thinking of going all in because it would of been an over bet due to what was already in the pot. My opponent did seem anxious though. I made my bet, and he just about insta called me. He won the hand. His full house beat my 3 of a kind.

My question is, when a player makes a particular comment like that, does it usually mean he's got you beat? Also if he doesn't have you beat, what would be the best way to depict if he's bluffing?

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