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Accidential Free Vision Sub

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Accidential Free Vision Sub

Hi RunItOnce,

I suppose I am about to make a dumb decision, a very dumb decision, but I think its important:

I was subscribed to Vision until 19.January.2022. Somehow, I dont know how or why, I am still able to access it afterwards. At first it felt like Christmas, a gift sent from above, using Vision for free?! OMG! But on closer look I dont feel comfortable using Vision, with the thought in mind, that I unrightfully use a paid service because there is a technical problem. I checked Paypal and didnt see any booked fees from RunItOnce. "Maybe it is free sub month, and I just didnt read it anywhere" I thought... but I couldnt find anything on RunItOnce.

I guess the main reason why I post this vision bug, is because I dont want to be a fraud. I do really want to be successful in poker and I do know that maybe it could have saved me a lot of money by not saying anything when I look back 10 or 20 years on from now. But I think something else is more important to me.

Maybe I will regret it, after posting it. But hey, I do have a full time job to pay for it. If I am a poor college student, I could find a few excuses to say nothing.

Anyways, I hope it helps you guys to find the leak in your game ;) Happy 2022.

Here the sub:

Here the still available vision:

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