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Becoming a Pro with your help (hopefully)

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Becoming a Pro with your help (hopefully)

Hello guys!!

My dream is to be a professional poker player. I played mtt's for 4 years recreationally when I was in college and had good results in the microstakes, however I had less and less time to play. A month went by and I decided it was best to switch to cash games. I hired a coach who gave me a basic strategy to explore the pool I played, mainly recreational players. I was quite successful at NL2, NL5 and NL10, however by the time I got to NL25 I was quite frustrated as the strategy wasn't working anymore (there weren't as many recreational players) and I felt like I was playing in fear of losing money. When I had a session where I lost 4/5 buy-ins it seemed like I would get devastated and go several days without playing. I stopped playing for a few months and decided to come back. However this time I have a plan!!
When I decided to come back, I realized that something had to change, otherwise the results would remain the same.

What went wrong?

- Strategy: I learned a very exploratory strategy and when the coaching sessions ended I stopped improving. It was a very focused strategy on exploiting recreational players but I didn't had a solid strategy vs regular players. And this was my fault because I stopped studying, I stopped wanting to improve and I was very busy with finishing my degree in finance.

- Consistency: By far my biggest leak. I rarely had a month with more than 20,000 hands played. Obviously this has to change if I want to become a professional poker player.


1) Review all sessions and get study material. Right now I'm thinking about buying the Essential plan;
2) Play at least 5 hours a day separated by 3 sessions (2h + 2h + 1h) and have a stop loss of 3 buy-ins in each session;
3) Continue reading other threads here in RIO as many of them have already helped me;
4) I'll start at NL2 and move up every 30 to 50 buy-ins with a 5+ ev/bb;
5) To be honest, I would really like to have your help, especially from the more experienced players. I've been enjoying reading several threads here at RIO and I feel that I've already learned a lot of new stuff.

I will try to post once or twice a week. And for now I would like to ask you some questions.

  • Should I buy the essentials plan?
  • If so, how should I organize my study?
  • If not, what should I do?

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