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Beginning My Journey

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Beginning My Journey

Hello, my name is StunZ and I have interest in becoming a professional poker player. I am currently studying at university so this is my first priority. Still, I look to set myself up to be in a position to give professional poker a shot by the time I graduate.
I have been playing poker for fun for about 3/4 years but started to take it much more seriously in the last 13 months. I have started to build up a bankroll (despite being a student) and am now looking to build it up further and do it all properly. I have a small sample (roughly 40k hands) at 10z on PokerStars and am currently breakeven. I have shot taken some reg tables of 25nl and it hasn't stuck, so I am resetting and playing 5z and starting the slow grind up the zoom stakes.
I have decided to create a thread documenting this journey for me (and maybe others) to look back on in the future, whether it works out or not. I know there are infinite people who have done a similar thread before me so I am not focused on others seeing what I'm saying. Another reason for creating a thread is to get better at articulating my thought process, as this currently feels like a downfall of mine. I have internalized some ideas so much that I struggle to put into words what I believe, and I think this leads to mistakes in going on autopilot or making plays where I am not even sure of why I am making such a play. I am currently quite good at taking concepts I am told and applying them to my game, but one of my downfalls is a lack of creativity in my thinking and not coming up with these ideas on my own. I hope that beginning to speak deeper about hands will help become to more creative conclusions on my own, before sharing them or discussing them with others.
If you're reading this in the present, come along with me. If you're reading this in the future, I hope I made it, and if not, at least gave it a really good shot.

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