Striving to break the vicious circle.

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Striving to break the vicious circle.

Hey guys. I didn't really know where to post this, so I'll try here. The problem is that I feel as though I've been trapped in a vicious circle and I can't seem to break it.

Every time I begin to do well, I either need to cash out a significant part of my bankroll (something breaks down, life expenses etc.) or suffer from a downswing and I end up in the same place again.

I've just rage-quitted yet another session and I just don't know what to do at this point. I feel as though I'm not making any progresss whatsoever and that I'm just wasting my time. I know this might sound silly, but at this point, I don't really care anymore - I'm at a point where I just have little hope to ever make it in the poker world.  And if I can't be making money at this game, there's not much of a point doing it, is there? I mean, sure, there are always recreational purposes - but I lost that quite some time ago - I'm not enjoying the game anymore - everyone just annoys me and every time I sit down and play, hoping that this is the day I leave all the past behind and start to do well, it usually takes 15-20 minutes till I get coolered/sucked out only to quit the game (I know that I'd play terribly if I continue to do so) and be annoyed for the rest of the day.

And the more I try to learn, the worse I seem to be doing, which is not really motivating to continue to work on m game. And the worst part is that I have no idea if I'm running bad, or I'm just a bad player. I'm pretty depressed right now since I really love the game (maybe not at the moment, but in general :p), but I'm starting to doubt that I ever achieve something in poker.

It's also so depressing that everyone makes it seem so increadibly easy to beat this game, and I've been stuck at microstakes for so long. I've recently talked to a friend of mine about this and the only things that I hear is that I should just quit, which is not really an option, because I'm not of the type who gives up easily if I want something really bad, and I truly do want to succeed at poker, but there's just so much chaos in my game now that I don't even know where to start. 

So, could anyone be so kind and advice me what can I do at this point to get a fresh approach to the game? Because realistically, when every single session is painful for me at the moment, it would take years to make a significant sample in order to beat the variance. I would just love to get back to a point when I used to enjoy the game so much that it wouldn't even cross my mind that I would ever need to force myself to play.

I'm sorry for such a wall of text, but I just needed to get it off m chest, I guess. I truly hope that there would be someone who, out of the kindness of their heart, would point me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance for finding the time to read this.

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