CG vs MTT theory video

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CG vs MTT theory video

I think it would be extremely interesting, to see a theory video comparing MTT and CG play, how and why is it different. Stuff like ICM, different stacks etc. are obvious but 100bb deep MTT is still played differently than CG. Different sizing, even ranges are build different way - polarized vs linear 3bets, then obviously you have rake issues... I play most of the MTTs online except the hardest ones like 320 6max, 215turbo, sunday 500... but I am not sure what would happen to me on nl100 zoom. When I watch some CG videos I am sometimes like "wait, we dont do this stuff in MTTs...". And vice versa I think there must be a lot of CG players who would like to try at least some WCOOP/SCOOP events, maybe add sunday million to their CG session, but they are not sure how to adjust.

This could be a really cool video, but most likely would need to be done by 2 players (CG and MTT reg).  What do you think guys ?

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