Constructing balanced hand ranges

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Constructing balanced hand ranges


I am a 10NL player with only about 10k hands of experience at this level. Currently I am winning at a decent bb/100 rate and most of the winnings come from exploiting the fish in the game. This fact I am sure remains true in all levels of poker whether it be exploiting a completely recreational player or a regular with an exploitable leak. However, from my understanding, GTO poker is an essential tool to understand how one can prevent him/herself from being exploited by other knowledgeable players. This isn't to say that I am unaware of the fact that a widely-accepted recommendation in beating microstakes is to fully focus on exploiting rather than playing balance. However I am hoping to move up to 25NL and eventually 50NL next year and want to start thinking more about GTO. From what I gather it seems that winning players at these levels do have some knowledge about GTO and how to be less exploitable while exploiting others. I am extremely ignorant on this topic but I figured the first step is make sure your ranges are balance in various situations. At the moment I have only very limited number of spots where I know my range is balanced - like for example c/r oop on the flop after a call pre - but I would like to start developing my ranges elsewhere in the game. The problem is I don't know where to begin and how to go about this effectively and efficiently... I would like to get any recommendations with this problem! Thank you!

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