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Dealing With Rust Efficiently

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Dealing With Rust Efficiently

Hey guys,

I've recently come back from a 3-week long break, while this is unusual for me as my breaks would last no longer than a week. But even then, I have always found myself struggling with making good decisions quickly and have often found myself making lower EV decisions for about the first few thousand hands and haven’t found an efficient manner in which I could "shake off the rust" quickly.

Methods that don’t seem to work well for me:

Dropping stakes:
In my experience this has some advantages in the way that if rust is mandatory might as well get it out of the way at lower limits, but this really isn’t what this post is about. There is also the matter of adjusting to the lower limits and then readjusting to our normal limits. This seems pretty inefficient imo.

Decreasing number of tables:
This solves ½ our problem by giving us fewer decisions to make per minute, but I always find myself becoming agitated with all the extra real-estate on my screen XD But in all honestly I’ve found that I make slightly better decisions than I would as compared to just loading my normal 6-8 tables, which leads me to believe that my problem isn’t the amount of time but the quality of decisions.

Short Sessions and then review:
This just elongates the time period where I feel shaky about my game, in that I just find myself wanting to quit after every iffy decision and review the spot.

I’d be happy to hear the kind of methods you guys use and the suggestions you have to shake off rust..

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