Fellow professionals, how many hours a month do you play and study on average?
Posted by haleluja
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Mental Game
Fellow professionals, how many hours a month do you play and study on average?
I am playing midstakes PLO, HU and 6-max, and I usually average 100 hours of play every month, and maybe 15-20h of studying.
Playing between 4-8 tables at a time, little bit less if there is a lot of HU-action.
I will have some months where I play maybe 50-70 hours, but very rarely less than that, and have played 150h+ a few months, but
feels like that is too much. I play 5-6 days a week. Been playing professionally for about 14 years (NL/PLO).
Just curious to hear from other pros. A problem for me is that when I play less I feel lazy, like I am leaving money on the table.
Since I am playing from home it also feels like a waste if I am staying home and not playing for a few days, even though logically I realize that
there is also a need for rest. Guess that's the downside of living in your office!
Another problem when I play a lot is that its very difficult to wind down and get a good nights sleep afterwards, particularly
if I have played 7-8 hours.
How do you guys balance poker/life? Do you take days off every week, or just when you start to feel fatigued?
A long break/vacation every year?
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