From 10NL to 1kNL, let a guy dream
Posted by emsterdad
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From 10NL to 1kNL, let a guy dream
My journey in poker started 12 years ago. I started to play at a homegame with some buddies. At some point the homegame dried out but I loved poker so much that I signed up at Pokerstars. I have a tendency that I can get pretty obsessive around stuff very quickly so before I knew it I bought books and even ended up paying for a subscription at Deucescracked. Before that happened, I was a member of twoplustwo and got my first coach there. I played Full Ring and my first coach was Splitsuit. It's fun to see that after 12 years this guy is still doing his thing. He was a very nice guy and also gave me some very clear guidelines how to beat FR. I was running super hot then playing a very 12/9 nitty style, until I became more like a 14/11 or something type player. FR was very calm for me. I liked the nitty approach because there seemed to be less variance. It also wasn't all that chaotic.
Not sure why, but at some point I found 6-max. What happened with 6-max is that it made me from a TAG in FR, a LAG in 6-max. I wanted to play every hand, wanted to 3-bet people.. and really loved the adrenaline and action. But I was losing. So that's where I signed up for DC. There, I was a very active member being in several coaching videos (something they did a lot with member) which was a great learning experience. I also had some private coaching, for example from Threads13. I read he passed away. RIP. I was at the end of my 20s but was still very much into poker. I really wanted to make a career out of it and saw myself playing with the Krantz from this world. The reality was that I was still stuck at 25nl and was never really capable of getting my game under control and also not my tilt. I met my wife, life took over with work, building a career and now after 12 years, I really felt like playing again. PokerStars is not allowed here any longer, Full Tilt is of course long gone. So I signed up at Holland Casino since I am dutch.
I decided to look up Runitonce because I always kept a bit of an eye on what happened in the poker world, and with Upswing this is I believe still the best site, eventhough I am a bit suprised how the forum is really not that active (remember, I come from a time and place where 1 hand would be discussed for 3 pages with memes in between). I bought from the ground up and also have an essential membership for 1 month. I also bought No-limit Hold'em for Advanced players. Just to get a better understanding how the games are played these days.
I am now playing at 10NL. My goal would be to hit 100NL. This will take a long grind because I have a busy life with work 40-45 hours a week and having a family, but poker just is something I enjoy doing at least at night.
After 12 years, I don't see myself tilting very quickly anymore. There is no pressure to "be somewhere" in poker so losing to a bad beat doesn't meant somebody "took away some time to hit a certain level". I do notice I still have the tendency to play to loose. Personally, I think I would be better of playing around 24/20 but for some reason I always end up in the 27/28 VPIP. The reason I think tight might be better for me is because I feel like in poker its so easy to start overthinking stuff. "Ohh yeah check raise on the flop.. sure, he just has enough of me 3-betting him constantly..Oh no, oops.. he just has top set". I also think my skill-level is either slightly better or slightly worse than the regulars. So it doesn't make much sense to me to have a way higher VPIP. Then again, the bad players are still really bad.
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