From Delta Boötis to Gamma Crateris | CheckRais3r 2018 - 2019 Poker Journal
Posted by Nuno Alvarez
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Nuno Alvarez
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Poker Journals
From Delta Boötis to Gamma Crateris | CheckRais3r 2018 - 2019 Poker Journal
Hi guys, I've been thinking on start a blog since a long time and finally decided to do it arising as a result of this post Phil published a few days ago
My name is Nuno, I'm a 24 year old professional poker player and currently a RIO essential pro. My main game is HUNL and I'm a 500ZHU regular on Pokerstars.
I started 2017 playing 200ZHU and moved to 500ZHU since august or so. 2017 was a very good year for me specially for how much I learned and improved as a player by working with PIOsolver, producing content for this site, coaching quite a lot and also by watching mostly Sauce123 (or how I like to call him, the human solver) videos.
The idea of this Poker Journal is to update at least three times a week. Since I just check my graph once a month, most updates are going to be interesting hands I played or stuff like that rather than daily results. I'm aiming to play 25k hands/month and that's gonna be quite a lot for me specially because I spend so much time on studying and doing other things poker related + having a life but I'll try my best.
As you can deduce from the title of the blog, my goal is to go from Delta Boötis (500Z Pool) to Gamma Crateris (5KZ Pool) on stars, 10KNL action almost never ever runs so getting to 5KNL should be good enough haha.
2017 Results:
All stakes on $
All stakes on BB
Stake breakdown
Thanks all for following and gl at the tables!
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