FTP $$ Transfer to PS

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FTP $$ Transfer to PS

Hey, I'm having petty problems because FTP won't let me send money to my paired PS account because I recently deposited the money. Its been aggravating me for the last 24 hrs for complicating a simple issue in which they have no right to force someone to play w/ their money when they have a paired account they can send to. So i have a request:

Anyone have a PS & FTP account that is willing to do the exchange with me - by that I mean log on to FTP & PS at the same time & we sit heads up on both sites for the amount I want to transfer to my PS account & give you the same amount on FT where as you return it in PS. The amount is right under 400$ & the reason I have to approach it like this is because for the same reasons I can't transfer to my paired account, I can't do the same w/ player transfers on full tilt. Plz, if someone can do this w/ me anytime today, I would be incredibly thankful. And if you think somethings fishy, I'll be the one on full tilt to send first & if you don't return on PS, well, then I'm a idiot.

Plz let me know asap if someone has the time and is willing to do this.

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