Hero goes from zero to hero
Posted by rahaa80
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Poker Journals
Hero goes from zero to hero
Hello fellow run it once'ers, I'm rahaa80 and this is my poker journal.
Background: I played poker in highschool winning a lot in home games, losing it all online. I never studied seriously, but I watched some videos and had a poker tracker. I mostly just looked at my graphs and patted myself on the back or cried depending on the day. Fast forward to 2021, when my university course moves into online teaching, which I have no patience for and I decide to give poker a second chance with my new and improved scientific and serious mindset. I have invested into poker an initial sum of around 500usd, depositting 200 on stars, buying some relevant software and tuitional material. I treat this investment the same if I had just bought a new videogame or started another hobby, with no plans to invest more if this goes sideways.
Goals: I want to be beating nl25 for 5bb/100 before the fall semester starts. At this point I will decide wether I want to keep playing for beer money (I'm thinking I could be making 1k/month playing 2-3h a day) or take poker seriously and join a cfp stable.
The plan: I will spend the first month of poker playin g500 hands of nl2 every day and reading Pete Clarkes manual as well as watching his course here on rio. From that point on I will focus on each chapter of the book for one week, doing further research, analysis on my own playing and possibly solver work on the topic. I will aim to study 4+ hours a day and play 500-1k hands a day. I won't be focusing on short term results. Instead I will internalize the mantra: short term results do not matter, once you've studied 1000 hours you will be beating the game. I plan to be done with my 1000hours before the fall semester starts.
I've already been playing for a month, so next I will be posting a report on my first month of poker.
Wish me luck!
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