How to read tournament results on Hm2?

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How to read tournament results on Hm2?

Hey guys!

I've been playing poker (mostly Mtts) since about 2 years, i could say i make a living from it, is my permanent job since even with the awful downswings i make more playing that getting a regular job, roughly 400/700 dollars at month . The way i approach it is playing daily around 10-18 tourneys daily ( maximum of 7-8 at once) (and trying to add more slowly), the range of tournaments is between (5 dollars and 50) and my bankroll usually fluctues between 800-2000 dollars playing those levels.

I'm using since 3 months ago the HM2, which has helped me a lot, and right now i'm in a huge downswing, (most of my bankroll crippled) and the easy thing is to blame luck, but i'm really struggling thinking if i can really beat this game and i was just running hot, i see the tournament results chart checking hand history and i see that in average of every bustout 1 or 2 out of 10 are my direct fault meaning i blew my stack in a bad call /shove/bluff or i made a bad play leaving me short stack then busting, and the rest is pure suckouts, good hands not holding on, and standard flips.

SO, my question is what stats are kind of reliable to see if its luck or i'm really not seeing my mistakes, the EV chart?, I would appreciate any comment, i'm really fishy on the HM2 thing, and even more since english its not my first language.


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