I think that moderators should act when they see posts where one member calls another member something bad.

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Posted by posted in Gen. Poker

I think that moderators should act when they see posts where one member calls another member something bad.

I understand that I am an unpopular guy here at RIO and I can accept that. I do however not accept that some members are calling me bad stuff. People are calling me asshole, saying that they wish me dead, saying that I am shit...etc etc. Every time I flag the posts and often I also post something and asks them to stop calling me bad stuff just so that it will be recogniced, but never are the moderators doing something about it. Why is that?

It does not matter if I have a view of something that the majority of you do not like or if you find me irritating or anything else, other members do not have the right to call me bad stuff and it is moderators job to stop it, simple as that. 

So my suggestion is that RIO would introduce some policies that forbids name calling and bad language vs other members. I would also like to suggest that moderators shall act when they see something like that going on in the threads.

Thank you!

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