In search of a personal coach

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In search of a personal coach

Hello my name is Matthew and I am in search of a poker coach. Little bit about me, 29, love sport, family and friends, programming, fitness, going out to eat, and all the normal stuff poker players tend to like.

I have played poker on and off for quite some time, since around 2010-11. I have taken long breaks from poker (promised an ex I would stop playing for a year, randomly got in and out of it for months at a time).

But this past year I have met one of my best friends who plays 2/5- 5/10 online and up to 5/10 online, and he has been amazing for me since my break up about a year ago. and he has been a tremendous help! But... there's always a but... he keeps reminding me how stupid it is I don't have a coach!!

And he makes a immense amount of sense, everyone gets coaching all the time, everyone I have known at least that has achieved success in poker. Now about a year ago I really started to give poker a honest shot, started at the bottom, recorded all my sessions, live and online.

I have had some success!!! and I am super proud of it, but I know I am getting to a place where I can't be stagnant with my growth, I need to keep moving forward.

Over the last year I have played about 450-475 hours live at 1/2 - 1/3 (one 1/2/5 PLO session whoops)
And about 600? (rough guesstimate from my spreadsheet) hours online. I started at nl4 / nl5 on us sites and have worked up to nl20 - 25
And have played probably 500-600 mtts with pretty good results.

I have had to take money out of my poker accounts at times, which is quite frustrating ( did a coding bootcamp needed living expenses poof there goes 3k)

I am proud of my success but now I am looking for some true educated help and open to any coaching offers, I wasn't entirely sure where to post this so I just started here. If any mods or posters know of I better place I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,


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