Jason Somerville quote:- "Why should we buy in with 100 big blinds"?

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Jason Somerville quote:- "Why should we buy in with 100 big blinds"?

I was watching Jason Somerville during the Sunday Million and he briefly spoke about cash games.

He recommended not to buyin at a cash table for 100 big blinds. ( I am pretty sure he would personally but more towards lower stakes & lower quality players)

This is not an exact quote but he said something like, "Who decided that 100 big blinds was the correct amount to sit at table with, "Who said that? Some random guy 30-40 years ago and now its the norm". I think I remember he said he would suggest something around 75bb.

It actually got me thinking, sitting down with 65-75% big blinds has great advantages like: if your not the best player at the table you would not lose as much. It also makes your game play easier as there are less spots for you to make mistakes in, and it provides you with more buyins to take shots at the next level.

Obvious disadvantage is if you are the best player at the table you want to extract the most money from your opponent.

So my question is, is this maybe a closer optimal strategy and what makes 100bb the norm?

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