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Message US Sites and question them about RNG's, collusion, rake ...etc

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Message US Sites and question them about RNG's, collusion, rake ...etc

Call them, email them, message them online on their sites, and send them copies of ridiculous hands you've seen online that you've posted here on RIO and and RCP. Let's make the transparency so wide out in the open that it hurts them more to allow bots than to ban them. The RNG's are nonsense, too and I believe these bots are a product of the people hosting the networks.

Winning Poker Network (Yatahay) - 15/30 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

Hero (SB): 965
BB: 2,035 (VPIP: 83.33, PFR: 67.90, 3Bet Preflop: 40.00, Hands: 125)

Hero posts SB 15, BB posts BB 30

Pre Flop: (pot: 45) Hero has Qs Th
Hero calls 15, BB raises to 90, Hero calls 60

Flop : (180, 2 players) Jd Qd 3s
BB bets 120, Hero raises to 875 and is all-in, BB calls 755

Turn : (1,930, 2 players) 2s

River : (1,930, 2 players) 9d

Hero shows Qs Th (One Pair, Queens)
(Pre 14%, Flop 18%, Turn 11%)

BB shows Ks Kd (One Pair, Kings)
(Pre 86%, Flop 82%, Turn 89%)

BB wins 1,930

Hundreds, upon hundreds, upon hundreds of hands in HUSNG's and this is the only hand I have had to fight back with. The site is still rigged, unfortunately. The attention has been on the cash games while the HUSNG's are nothing but bots/rigged/cartel'd.

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