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My journal back to NL1K +

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My journal back to NL1K +

Hey there

I am 27 years old and have been playing poker professionally for roughly 3.5 years. Most of my volume was played on RnC 200 on GG - until begin of this year when I finally made the step to NL500 and a few weeks later to NL1k. I completely crushed it.
Yet I find myself back at NL200 at this very moment. Mostly for 5 reasons:

  1. I experienced a 10k (unlucky) downswing within a few days, that made me realise that mentally I might not be ready for it yet. I am proud that I realised that and quit my NL1k tables soon enough.
  2. Even tho I had good results, I feel like I still have quite some leaks in my game. Too often I find myself clueless in a spot. I really want to push my technical knowledge of the game in the next few months.
  3. Want to have better routines in my life, poker and life related. I expect that to help a lot the mental part of my game too.
  4. I decided to cash out big part of my BR as I ve been traveling around in mid/south America since nov and invested a bit in BTC and Sorare, I needed some cash...
  5. I don't have any poker buddies as I never settled down in good poker environment (like austria...might happen in the future). I think most of my opponents are far better connected. Obv. exchanging HH and thoughts about plays is crucial for moving up. Hopefully this might change with that blog :)

My goal:

  • > Start with 10k BR on GG.
  • > Start at RnC NL200.
  • > Really try to play my A Game as often as i can. Its not about the money, its about playing well. Playing precisely and not allowing myself making big errors or even punts.
  • > Share my thoughts, HH and whatever crosses my mind in terms of poker here in this blog. At least once a week. Hold myself accountable.
  • > Move up to NL500 when feeling ready (at least 15k BR)
  • > Not playing any MTTs on GG (apart of very big special events), as the MTT format is just super high variance and i am sick of that :) Might deposit little MTT BR on stars or ACR where the structure are way slower and more in my favour (as stacks are deeper...)

--> Slowly but surely moving up to the HS, for good!

I am really looking forward sharing my journey with you guys! GL and see you at the tables.

Here my results of this year:

My last 3 months of RnC 200:

My results at NL1k this year:

My results of reg tables this year (NL500 and NL1k)

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