My Name is Daniel Rainey, and I am a Station. (**PLEASE HELP)

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My Name is Daniel Rainey, and I am a Station. (**PLEASE HELP)

The first step to overcoming a problem is to admit that you have a problem. But its not entirely my fault, I come from a long line of stations. My father was a station, my grandfather was a station, and my great grand father was a station too. It is even rumored that my great great great great great grandfather General Cornelius Rainey, in the most stationy move of all, called the bluff of the French bourgeoisie  and was beheaded right along with King Louis. He just didn't believe em. 

The life of a station is filled with many ups and downs and is far from boring. I call because I have a good hand and I call because I have a bad hand, but most of all I call because I am inspired. Inspiration is a tricky thing to source, but  below are some of the reasons I have called recently: 

1.) My opponent is Russian, and Russia is under a great amount of geopolitical pressure, which would lead my opponent to be more cavalier with his chips. Stress affects us all in different ways. 

2.) Rounders is playing again in the regular rotation this month on FX, this is likely to lead to more "all ins" than is optimal. Has to, absolutely has to. 

3.) I hold no 9x in my hand and there is no 9 on the board. My opponent's screen name ends with a "9" making this his most likely bluff randomizer. 

4.) I hold no 3x in my hand and there is no 3x on the board. My opponent's screen name ends with a "9"...which is 3 squared...meaning that 3x is his SECOND MOST LIKELY bluff randomizer. 

The point is, I have to know. I walk through the casino lobby and pay people to see their cards even when I am not playing. You can definitely find me this year at the WSOP because I will be the one screaming and chanting during every "all in" situation : "CALL! CALL! CALL!". I even made a big flag that I will be waiving proud and true, that simply says, "Call". It is 8 feet by 12 feet, so I will either need a running start or some help from another RIO member (preferably a fellow station but I am willing to teach if you are willing to learn). 

Ultimately, I will always be a station. I can live with that... I know its a problem, but that is just who I am. I need acceptance and relationships and I know I can survive. Thus, if you are a station please kindly identify yourself to show myself and others of us out there that we exist and can get support. Thank you and good luck at the tables. 


Daniel "Station" Rainey 

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