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New Year's Resolutions & 2018 Goals

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New Year's Resolutions & 2018 Goals

Hey, all.

As you've likely seen, we've begun a limited-time New Year's Resolution Sale. This was a really popular promo last year, and we've made it an even better deal this time around. I won't spam you with more details here - you can check out the offer page for that.

In the spirit of the New Year's, I thought it would be cool to set and share some goals for 2018, both poker and non-poker.

I'll go first.

This year has been unique for me. I did more traveling than I've ever done, and my work to poker ratio was 5-10x higher than it's ever been. I've been struggling with feeling like I don't have time for anything, which means I've lost balance - neglected my health and my relationships. Balancing poker and life, I've had a lot of practice at. Work and life, not so much.

With that in mind, in 2018 I'd like to:
- Take short (10+ min) breaks twice a day to remind myself that I can
- Wake up by 9am most days (exceptions for poker)
- No work after 2pm on Sundays (poker doesn't count as work)
- Stereotypical, but - get back into an exercise routine (details TBD)

I'd also like to:
- Get more creative with my RIO videos
- Read 1 book a month (don't laugh, but that is A LOT for me)
- Play more poker than I did in 2017

How about you guys?

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