PGC - 1 year of pro :lazy/backed to...

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PGC - 1 year of pro :lazy/backed to...

Sup guys, 

Got back from vacation yesterday and decided to make a "pgc" 2+2 style here but without risking the taxman getting after my ass! Sorry if I keep things vague :P.

About me: just turned 26, born/living in a city famous for weed/hookers and what not. Quit studying about 12 months ago and started playing poker seriously to make some money. Got a backing/coaching deal for the first ~8 months which basically learnt me how to beat lowstake MTTs at a decent clip. Got another deal with way more % for me after that. I'm still playing the same games as I was 6 months ago, and while my deal would allow me to play higher, I just dont because I always fear getting deep in make up/losing for several months. So a better route for me to follow is to build up an own roll and move up when the roll allows. So I'm hoping to go on my own as soon as possible and go from there. 

Graph: (missing 10k-ish from 888)

Avg buyin is now around $20.

My daily schedule is 95% mtts up to 55 fo's and 11euR's, and then some higher and lower mixed in. Playing 4-5 sites and just avoiding high variance/low roi games such as turbos or tough games on stars. I'm pretty happy with the progress Ive made so far in terms of studying, reviewing to get better, the volume is just way too low imo. Ive played just over 600 games a month on average while being a full time pro, which is a big joke imo.

Goals starting now untill june are simple: play 1k+ mtts and roi above 40%! 

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