Play/Study Ratio

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Play/Study Ratio

Hey guys, over the next 15 months I'm gonna be trying my hand at poker a bit more seriously than I did before. I'm transitioning to PLO, and I'm beating the games I play for a decent enough rate (about 13bb/100 over past 50k hands iirc, database wiped, might be less but it was definitely over 10) but I'm determined to not stagnate, and this is microstakes as I didn't want to push myself too high whilst focusing on studies. Very confident I'd get crushed if I went considerably higher. This year I've had about 10 hours a week to play poker, so most of it was playing, maybe 1 hour studying a week. Of next week I'm going to have about 40 hours of poker time each week. In order to maximise productivity in my development, how much time should I be spending playing compared to studying? I've read coaches say that they advocate more time spent playing the game than studying, but I don't think my current 10% studying is optimal. My rough schedule for 40 hours so far looks like this:

25 hours playing
5 hours reviewing my own hands/stats
5 hours poker theory literature/forums
5 hours studying mental game (past finishing TMGOP2 I've no idea what I'd do for this)

Is 25/40 enough time playing? 63% doesn't seem like very much. Should it be more fluid than this? Am I overthinking? Would love some feedback from someone more experienced in poker at more than a recreational level. Cheers guys

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