PLO or NLHE - cash games

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PLO or NLHE - cash games

These last weeks i've been playing both plo and nlhe cash games, trying to choose one of those to be my main format as I feel i can improve faster that way. I know everybody says to pick the one you like the most. So let's assume i like both equally: I'd love some input from more experienced players on the subject, as well as the state of the mid/high stakes state of both games. I believe that would help me a lot with my decision.

I've seen people say PLO is a less ''solved'' game, it's more complex and bigger edges are possible. Is this 100% true? Because this is one of the things that attracts me the most about PLO. The prospect of a nice winrate on higher stakes is something that I want to pursue... and not grinding a low winrate for rakeback mostly.

Meanwhile, rake is lower in NLHE, and variance isn't mind blowing. I've recently seen a graph on twoplustwo that was 250k$ under EV for 2014. Yeah. AIEV: 200k$, Profit Pre-RB: -50k$. That scared the hell out of me. One entire year of endless downswinging.

Maybe somebody can help me here with their opinions and views of what will the games be like in the future on both formats, as i'm really undecided here. I hope i created the thread in the right place too.

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