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Point System Changes

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Posted by posted in Run It Once Training

Point System Changes

Hi guys,

We incorporated a point system in our forums because we wanted to reward those members who were providing quality content on a consistent basis. The original points system rewarded users for both quantity of posts, and quality of posts through accrued member and pro "likes". Unfortunately, the downside of this system is members can spam the boards with low value posts in order to increase their point total.

Starting Jan 1 Run It Once is moving to a new point system which will award members points based solely on how many "likes" their content receives. Specifically, members will be granted 5 points for a Pro like, and 1 point for a member like. You can like a post, comment, or reply.

The success of this system will ultimately rely on you, the forum members, to actively "like" high value posts and comments so the member which makes those great posts is rewarded for their contributions to the forums. So please, click the heart when you see something you like, and help vote the best posters to the top of the leaderboard.

Please note: (and I hate that i have to say this but it's clear that its necessary) any member found cheating the system in any manner to accrue points will be disqualified from that month's leaderboard and have their point total reset to zero.


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