Poker Mindset / Health / Energy... Awakeness

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Poker Mindset / Health / Energy... Awakeness

Greetings Everyone... I am Dolfski

Gladly starting this;

Objective: to fill up the remaining % of the poker equation. 

Playing at 100% A-Game involves more than theory. For an example, it can be written like this,

Application of New Theory (Tactics) & Obtained Skill + Mental Game + Health + Energy = Your 100% A

I am not here to argue the % of each are. If you are a member of this site, you obviously understand there is a value for learning, applying, and re-evaluating techniques to make you a better poker player. Lets both agree it is a percentage - 70% (for example).

The other factors also make up the remaining, lets use 10% to be easy.

          70%             10%        10%       10%

Tactics/Skill  +  Mindset  + Health + Energy = 100%

Do you consider yourself well-rounded winning player? A professional? Is poker your bread and butter?

How much time do you focus on theory? If you value it theory at 90% then you should be using 90% of your "time spent improving your poker game". Brushing up on the other 10%, on the odd day to keep you fresh. Maybe do a workout once a week, or focus on drinking some more water next month. If you are winning money, why change the routine?

But what if we are overlooking this. What if your game cannot excel much further without more specific work in the other three areas?

->> A good analogy can be explained and compared when people try to start working out. Typically they will only do their upper body for months or even YEARS before finding out through others or research that your upper body will hit a plateau unless you build your legs first. This was not important to them because they only like girls to see their biceps tight in shirts, so legs was going backwards in their mind. Anyways, they start adding leg workouts but cant seem to gain any real muscle and are really frustrated from this situation they cant figure out. When the truth is, most people have really tight leg muscles if they have no previous history with sports/fitness and they need about 2-6 weeks of stretching daily to even get the correct range of motion to build their leg muscle, and in turn, grow their arms - which was all they care about in the first place. They only know exactly what they want, but they make up how the best way is to get there, without first finding out the correct information because of being lazy or embarrassment of asking for help/ego.

In our situation, if we START at the current finishing line/fine tuning of learning poker, for example - watching a Sauce123 (Ben) video and try to copy his skill - we didn't learn from the video that he has been "stretching his legs" and "building a base" for a very long time. If you dive into his skill, only remember you are skipping the process which he developed throughout his career and that is what you are trying to interpret in the video/post/etc. I am also trying to explain when Ben goes into detail on a hand and the next comment is a confused member who thinks he is on the wrong planet. Well, maybe you are.

Back to my point - What if YOUR EQUATION for 100% A-GAME is around 25% in each area?

         25%            25%       25%        25%

Tactics/Skill + Mindset + Health + Energy = 100%

Basically, I want to point out that many poker players could be focusing X% (up to 100%) of their "time spent improving poker game" on a factor that could possibly make up 25% of their A-Game (Tactics/Skill). No matter what it is, I can honestly say IMO there is a diminishing amount of mental-edge, exercise, healthy habits and higher energy work being done to develop in general, and more specifically, poker. It seems every day, less and less practice the key routines which give ourselves (body & mind) the specific ingredients to make us really "tick".

I have been learning the other side of coin for years, through working as a personal trainer and constantly helping others push towards this "other side" - where everything simply makes sense, balancing and connecting body & mind. Also, this is a great opportunity for others to share their knowledge to realize the importance of these extra factors in everyone's equation. Working on these things will no doubt extremely improve your poker game but from experience, it also has some valuable life-perks thrown in as you go.

What factors in your A-Game Equation have you been lacking focus in?... or maybe -> never worked on before?

*Tip ->> At the start don't focus on arguing about the % per factor of your A-Game Equation, just understand they are all factors and relate to playing your best. Work & build on your weaknesses, make a base, run with it.

Do you know the steps to improve?... If not, you need to search, and don't stop until you find it.

With so many intelligent minds all in one place... maybe start here?

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