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Quality as a way of life | CheckRais3r 2020 Poker Journal

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Quality as a way of life | CheckRais3r 2020 Poker Journal

Hey guys!

I've been blogging for some time on the Heads Up Academy Discord channel but some of you asked if I could post here as well so I think I'd be crossposing here from now on :)


Hey everyone!

My name is Nuno, I play on PokerStars under CheckRais3r and this is going to be my poker blog for 2020.

I want to became a more organized and disciplined person in all aspects of my life and that's why I decided to call this journal ''Quality as a way of life''. This is not just about poker, it's about life in general. A few months ago I realized that I'm pretty much addicted to using my phone. The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to grab it and proceed to lose 20/30 minutes of my life by checking Twitter, 2+2 or any other random thing. I really want to change that and, even though I'm not using my phone at all times, I really want to avoid screentime when not grinding at all costs. I want to enjoy the beauty of life and try to live the moment.

Life Goals

  • Avoid screentime as much as possible when not playing poker

  • Become a more organized person in all aspects

  • Develop a good daily routine and stick to it even when I'm back home for vacation

  • Meditate on a daily basis

  • Read every single day

  • Maintain daily exercise

Poker Goals

  • Develop a good study routine

  • Make it to Highstakes and become TOP 5 HU player in the world

  • Keep coaching and making videos for RunItOnce

  • Maintain the HU Academy Community growing

  • Become more disciplined both with playing and studying

I'm going to post most of my updates as videos and I will share some strategy as well by reviewing some interesting hands or talking about some concepts that I find important.

This is going to be it guys, best of luck in 2020 and let's crush HUNL together!

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