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Questioning Jonna102 as PLO coach

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Questioning Jonna102 as PLO coach

Hi, regarding the PLO coaching programs advertised here and on Pokerjuice, I believe that Jonna102 is not a good choice of coach for these very expensive programs. While playing and sweating my friends, I have seen him move down in stakes on Pokerstars from 200PLO zoom to 50PLO. When I have contacted him on Runitonce asking why this is, he has responded "maybe I am teaching my dog to play PLO, why does it matter", "I don't have to explain to you", or claims that he is "just researching the state of the games".

It seems from this evidence that Jonna is an extremely mediocre player who is essentially scamming unwitting new/beginner players into purchasing a program that they believe is being taught by a solid, knowledgeable player. The price is also exorbitant; for example Jnandez is offering his “PLO University” at a fraction of the cost of even the Intermediate program, and he is a proven consistent winner at high stakes.

I believe that barring some new evidence, these programs should be discontinued, greatly lowered in price, or come with a disclaimer that the coach is a micro stakes reg.


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