Reviewing fundamentals.. going pro questions

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Reviewing fundamentals.. going pro questions

Hi everyone, I used to be a Deucescracked member many years ago before black friday. I was just a 50NL grinder making a small profit at full tilt, but I gave up when black friday hit.

After that, I started going to college and learning math and coding and found that it made a lot of sense to me. Looking back now, if I only studied poker the same way I studied in college, I felt that I could have went much farther than a mediocre 50NL grinder.

The one thing that stuck out to me is that I never had a solid grasp of card combinatorics and hand range construction. I had a decent idea of the overall concepts, and I would apply these concepts by "feel", which I imagine led to me making many sub-optimal plays. I played like a bad TAG/LAG who has a good preflop game, then makes mindless c-bets and give up when they get called, along with some tilty/spazzy plays when I'm frustrated.

So I want to work on having a very in-depth understanding on constructing hand ranges for opponents on the flop, turn, and river. I want to ask if there are any good videos that focus specifically on that area? Would I need the elite subscription for that, or just the essential subscription?

I would really like to have the option of going pro one day. Right now I just graduated and am job hunting, and I'm not about to give that up just yet but it's been pretty difficult and soul draining so far! No professional experience and being in a competitive area while not going to a named school makes getting a job very difficult, so poker has been looking appealing recently.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate any advice or feedback!

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