Run It Once Welcomes Dhruv Bhargava to the Essential Team!
Posted by Mikey Stotz
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Mikey Stotz
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Run It Once Training
Run It Once Welcomes Dhruv Bhargava to the Essential Team!
Dhruv Bhargava got his start playing in the micros while still in college all the way back in 2007. Unlike many who were bit by the bug immediately, poker remained a side interest for him for the next 12 years. It wasn't until 2019 that he decided to take on the game full-time and transitioned from a NL cash player to PLO and hasn't been dealt two cards since. Outside of poker he enjoys motorcycles and cooking.
His first video features a brief bio followed by some quick and easy fixes that can be implemented for immediate results to your bottom line.
Welcome aboard Dhruv!
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