Run It Once Welcomes Bradley "Logic247" to the Essential Team!

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Run It Once Welcomes Bradley "Logic247" to the Essential Team!

A native of Central NJ, Bradley “Logic247” Chalupski began playing online poker in 2007 after looking for something to do to relax after studying himself into a near mental breakdown preparing for his first semester law school exams. He’s been around the game ever since, either as an amateur grinder or writer in the poker media.

During that time, he also became a world-class Skeleton (head-first Luge) athlete. He has won a medal in international competition, competed on the World Cup circuit, and competed in several World Championships. He is currently hoping to qualify and compete in the 2018 Winter Olympics. As a long time RIO member himself, his goal is to share the knowledge he has gained during a decade surrounded by elite and Olympic level athletes with the community, and offer his thought on how it can be used to improve at poker.

His first video discusses the concept of Process, and why it’s an essential part of improvement in any activity.

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