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Run It Once Welcomes Jan Philippi to the Essential Team!

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Run It Once Welcomes Jan Philippi to the Essential Team!

Jan Philippi runs the gamut in the poker world and serves as a psychologist, psychotherapist in training, mindfulness teacher and former 10-year poker-pro. He's helped countless players to improve their mindset and performance and become better overall poker players.

By now you probably know that a strong mindset is what separates the big winners from the small winners and break-even players in today’s extremely competitive poker world. As strategical edges become smaller and smaller, the mental aspect of poker becomes more important. Jan’s coaching and videos are not only about performance at the poker tables, they are about improving your life in general. All the skills he teaches are applicable to all areas of life, not only to poker.

If you want to get rid of your tilt issues, gain stablity, develop a healthy, balanced lifestyle, a strong ability to focus and long-lasting motivation, Jan’s videos are the place to start.

Additionally, his focus is to help you to see and use poker as a tool to improve your life and live aligned with your values rather than just as a means for making money.

His first video offers a brief introduction before offering an overview of his outlook on life and poker.

Welcome aboard Jan!

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