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Running bad: the worst i've ever seen.. 7 years pro

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Running bad: the worst i've ever seen.. 7 years pro

People often moan about losing 'coin-flips' or having the 'draw get there'. What i am experiencing is where you don't win ANY pots. Preflop, postflop for any size pots... its truly a nightmare. It doesn't matter what i have, what villain has or what street we on, the chips are ALWAYS going to my opponents. 

This downswing is threatening my livelihood, my relationship, everything that i have lived for. Everything that i have built. 

I am trying to maintain focus. i am eating well and exercising and trying to rest (though it can be difficult to sleep sometimes after yet another dismal session). I'm working 12 hours a day grinding and studying the game. Nothing i do changes the outcome of the hand (i know it can't but it makes me feel helpless). 

For all of you running well, make sure you put money away. 6-12 months living expenses. i have exhausted my investments while dealing with 3 terrible downswings. 

I question my play continuously as i don't know what winning is anymore. Not when my bankroll approaches zero. its an awful feeling. 

Any advice? 

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