Self Serving PLO entry

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Self Serving PLO entry

Quit trying to stay at plo10 and stop disrespecting yourself
Quit trying to play protection poker; get into more marginal spots
Quit trying to play balanced against unknowns; go for maximum exploitation at the cost of opening yourself up. It's ok

This is a self serving PLO entry, which can hopefully turn into a journal.

I begin by trying to figure out why I might have my current destructive mindset:
What is it about having a 2-3k balance that slowly saps the motivation out of me? Is it because the need to protect this money outweighs the financial emotional benefit I get from going further?
Yes, essentially I've set a mental limit to how far I should go. This is destroying my game. The issue I see with this logic is its shortsightedness and a lack of any aspiration to go bigger.
How do I use this as fuel and not as a detriment to further progression? I want and need to be able to say just fckxx it time to move up higher.

How it began:
I ran $100 to around 3k in 2 months playing zoom plo10, 6 max plo10 and plo tourneys. It wasn't that hard actually, I just needed the determination and the want to win.

This journal will keep me from living that life of quiet desperation, passivity, the need for protection and entitlement. Instead focus on outcomes.

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