Site Choice dilemma

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Site Choice dilemma

So, I currently play Euro 100NL speed on the Ipoker network. The rake is very high, but I am on a rake back deal equivalent to approximately 90-100%. 


1. Winrate; due to the huge rake back deal, lots of grinders are attracted to the Ipoker network, meaning that the player pool is somewhat difficult, though the average regular tends to be relatively mediocre in my opinion. my winrate in the 100NL speed pool has never been anything outstanding, therefore variance is pretty damn high, which is obviously not ideal (but I guess thats ok) 

Software issues; the site has constant bugs in the software which cause multiple disconnections throughout the day. This both crushes the player pool, and the fish tend to leave, and is obviously pretty annoying (though I am kind of used to it now)

3. The timezone I play in (Malaysia), means that having a 'normal' schedule, i.e. waking up at 8am, and working till 4 or 5pm. The issue here, is that the games aren't running every day at the times I want them to, due to not beign able to play at peak hours, without drastically changing my sleeping patter, which I am not willing to do (been there done that, not up for it).

4. Support is horrendous, and essentially useless. With all the problems regarding software issues, this is a pretty big deal. There is also the factor of collusion/general cheating being passed by, due to the 'who gives a shit as long as we still make money' attitude of the company. 


1. Playing practically rake free poker, due to my rake back deal. 

That is about the only good thing about the network. Though this rakeback, often feels like a bit of a safety net, during bad downswings, it feels pretty nice to have this rakeback on the side. 


So, in your experience, would you suggest changing multi site gaming and looking for more 'fishy', i.e bumhunting,  and/or less heavily rake sites.

Poker is my only income, therefore I feel somewhat apprehensive leaving the site I am on and my rake back deal, as I know I can make atleast 'enough' for a relatively decent living. However, I cant see myself being able to move up for a long time, due to living expenses etc. 

In essence, I am asking your opinion of what you think is the most +EV option.

Thanks for your opinions/ideas. 

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